Major Loss Today.........87*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
So, I left to go to Disney Saturday morning(yesterday). My older brother was in charge of tending to my 3 tanks, 2 dogs, and 2 cats. I get home today around 430pm and my heart stopped!!! My 65g was 87 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!! Death toll so far includes 20+ pieces of sps, 1 turbo snail, 4 hermits, and my blue spot jaw is on the edge of being dead. Several pieces seem to be pulling through this disaster but I'm sure the horror is not over with. I can just about cry


Active Member
To top it all off, I stopped at World Wide Corals and bought 12 frags that can only go in that tank. Even though I was able to lower the temp down to 80, I'm scared to add my new $$$$$$$$$ pieces.
wow, man hope everything works out, i just went though the same thing a couple months ago. i lost almost everything. it sucks bad.....
good luck..


Active Member
Very sorry to hear it. You have/had some nice things. I hope the jawfish pulls through. Keep us posted.
Do lots of waer changes keeping an eye on everything. If the coral gets through 24hrs it shopuld be OK. I once had my ric tank reach 90F but luckily didn't loose anything. Now I have a chiller though.
Sorry to hear... I have heard of this and have a chiller on my list. They seem expensive though. (quick check on-line) Man, I am scared to go on vacation now and leave my tanks. I didn't have SW last vacation. Good luck to you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
im so sorry to hear that! is the blue jaw the one in your avatar?
I believe it is. That was his prize I believe. Maybe it will pull through. Fortunatly there is alot that can be saved if it was caught in time. Let's hope this is the case here.


Sorry to hear about that. That is one of my worst nightmares...coming home from a trip to a problem with the tank. Hopefully your blue spot and some of your other livestock will pull through. Wishing you the best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pjlovesbaskets
Sorry to hear... I have heard of this and have a chiller on my list. They seem expensive though. (quick check on-line) Man, I am scared to go on vacation now and leave my tanks. I didn't have SW last vacation. Good luck to you.
Depends on the size of tank you ae doing but even a $300 1/15hp would be better than nothing in a 150gl. It wouldn't keep it cool but would keep it down in the range where there wouldn't be any damge to the corals.
Think about it, $300-$400 seems like a lot to throw down on a chiller, but how much did you put out for corals last month?
Course you really need a chiller rated for the tank size but I am jsut saying, it would be better than nothing to have a smaller one than none.
Aren't they worth the investment?


Active Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. Total count now at 23 pieces of sps and nothing has changed with the blue spot. Checked all water params(with 2 different kits for accuracy) and nothing was detected out of the ordinary. Water temp is down to 80 now. I changed my filter sock and added a bag of carbon. I never even thought of running a chiller due to consistent temps, but it would be nice for a back up plan. I don't want to even think about how much money was lost
I'll post an update tomorrow and hopefully there wont be a thread with me selling all that's left


Active Member
Wow!! Sorry to hear that...what caused the temp to spike?? Un-fricken beleivable...nothing ever goes wrong with anybodys tank until they go on vacation.


Active Member
hmmm sure it wasnt something else.
My buddies 30cube has gone to 86 MANY MANY times in the summer for long periods of tie and he never had any of his fish or corals die


Active Member
my 30 gal tank has reached 90 and I didnt loose anything, Sucks to loose so much. Nothing else went bad also though? Now my temp stays 78-82 now though since I run a fan on it. Hope you done loose anything else


wow cj, that sucks. I am sorry to hear that. Nothing like coming home from a weekend of fun, to that...


Active Member
2 questions Justin.
1. Is your brother still breathing?
2. WTH made it spike up so fast?
I had this happen to my 120 because my Office Manager decided to save a few bucks and turn off the AC for the weekend. When I came in @ 5 am Monday morning tank temp was 86.7. I can't imagine how high it was on Sat and Sun with the halides beaming.
PM sent bro.


Active Member
Where do begin.......I'm not going to get into my brother's story.
It appears that my lighting timer(coralife analog) was stuck in the on position. In other words, my halides were on from 11am Saturday until 430pm Sunday(29+hrs) Loss so far-26 pieces and my blue spot jaw......................I'm on the verge of shedding a tear


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Where do begin.......I'm not going to get into my brother's story.
It appears that my lighting timer(coralife analog) was stuck in the on position. In other words, my halides were on from 11am Saturday until 430pm Sunday(29+hrs) Loss so far-26 pieces and my blue spot jaw......................I'm on the verge of shedding a tear
Anything I can help with, please let me know. You have helped me a ton in this hobby so far and I like to return the favor. This experience of yours has me shopping for a chiller or 2 now. Safety first.