Major problems with a standpipe in Houston HELP!


Well i got my pump and piping up and running and now finally have water circulation. But its LOUD. The tank is in my bedroom so it needs to be fairly quiet. I have tried making a stockman standpipe and not had much luck. The tank either overfills if i try it one way and with the other the water drains down to the edge of the "skirt" making even more noise.
Is there anyone in the Houston area good at making these things work? I would certainly appreciate some hands on assistance. Id even order pizza or something to help compensate for the time. I am in need of help on this one.. nothing i am doing is working
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Active Member
Did you drill airholes in the top of the standpipe? Same concept as a gas can, or a jug of water. They have a hole on the back side of the container to let air in. That way the suction doesn't restrict flow.


I wish I could come over and assist.
Did you look up the so called Durso standpipe, it solved my problems with the 90, and has helped hundreds more. The water drains from the durso to the wet/dry where I also have a gate valve to adjust the flow through there which can raise or lower the level of the water in my overflow.
They are really easy to make.


Yes i have tried the compact design and its not working well.The water will drop down to the bottom of the skirt than it makes a ton of noise. It also wont drain anymore at this point. And i did start with a 3/16 inch hole in the top and then widened it. Nothing has helped so far.i guess i could try the original form and see if i can fit that in the prefilter.


Is it in an overflow box or a drilled tank? Do you have room to do the durso design? I only have experience with the durso type and when this happens you just keep drilling a hole until the up and down flow (that shounds like a toilet flushing) stops.


Sorry it took so long to post again. I am out of town and will be back this afternoon/evening. I live in the galleria area... roughly 1 block north of Richmond & Hillcroft. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.


water dropping to the bottom of the skirt is an indication that your hole in the top is not large enough. not enough air is passing through the hole to rid the pipe of the vacumme of the water dropping down it. a hole too large on the othe hand will cause the water level to rise up to the top of your stand pipe, where it will run across the top cap, momentarily causing the hole to whistle.
there are two solutions.
the first is to make incrementally larger holes until the correct diameter is achieved, going slowly so as not to make too large of a hole.
the second fix is to drill a hole big enough for a plastic valve (needle or otherwise) that you can fit in with silicone and adjust to the aperature that you need for your setup.


Well they arent pretty, but i got the holes in the pipe large enough to let the needed ammount of waterflow through and added holes to the top for the air. The water now stays about a 1/16-1/8 of an inch OVER the skirts. You can see the holes as they extend down beyond the skirt, but its QUIET! YAY!!!! FINALLY!!!! Ugly as hell but functional Ill take it :) Thanks to all for the tips and the help!


yep having it above the skirt is what keeps air from rushing underneath it. i probably should have mentioned that was what you were shooting for.


i knew i had to get the water over the skirt. I was having problems accomplishing that. But i made it work :) Its ugly as hell, but its working and thats what counts. YAY!! Thanks again tho.. all the help was greatly appreciated.


if you want to spruce it up, find the biggest airline valve you can at the pet store (not a 3 inch valve, but like a 1/4 or 3/8 will work. you need the inside diameter of the valve to be at least what your hole ended up being. enlarge the hole to just accept the valve, and silicone it in. then open the valve full and adjust it closed to more closely regulate the water level in your sump. it makes that big sloppy hole look like a technical valve assembly. and it isnt just cosmetic, being able to adjust the flow is actually handy.
valves like that are usually only a dollar or two.


Cool idea :) I may do that when i redo things :) Right now i have SEVERAL holes in my cap. I think theres like 5 total in each cap. But theres no whistling and the water level stays JUST above the bottom of the skirt so its working fine. I didnt think there would need to be SO much airflow into it. I can take the caps OFF and it really doesnt affect it.. other than a bit of extra noise escaping now. But i live the idea of the valve. I will hafta do that when i redo all my plumbing later on. Now that i know how to do it, im gonna want to make it look much better :D