major red slime outbreak AGAIN


Active Member
Im having a huge outbreak of red slime algae...i had it in my 38 gallon tank, treated it with hagen greenx phosphate remover and it went away....then i switched to my 90....and its back in full swing again....ive currently got 2 hagen greenx "pouches" in my filters, as well as a seachem phosphate remover....i use ro water so it shouldnt be phosphates....i dont have a phosphate test kit either....anyone?!?


I recently started a battle with the dreaded red slime. It is a coincidence I think, but I started getting cyano shortly after I set up a refugium with caulerpa. If anything, the caulerpa should help reduce nitrates and DOC in the water, but who knows.. I am on a mission to get rid of it and am losing the battle(but the war isn't over). I did a search in the disease forum and there is a good thread a few days ago addressing the issue. Started by golfish. There was a few good recommendations. Do a search there. I think it should help you develop a plan of attack against it


What kind of water do you use?Do you use R/o water had same problem till i switched.What is phospate level?


I got rid of my red slime by reducing the amount of time my lights were on and increasing the water flow patterns in the tank. Hope this helps.


Red Slime algae is really bacteria (cyanobacteria). This is not caused by phosphates. The natural way of ridding the tank of this is to first skim off as much as you can. Then do a 50% water change. Several smaller water changes will not work. You will never get the bacteria down low enough to catch up.. I expect the tank is less that a yr old and I has not matured all the way yet.. After the water change cut lights back to 4hrs a day for 4-5days then start bringing the lights up 1hr a day till back to normal. Also cut back on feeding some. Another suggestion is make sure you have a deep sand bed of at least 3-4in. This will let enough good bacteria grow to help prevent this problem..If you just cannot wait You can use a product called chemi-clean by boyd enterproses, inc... you can do a search on the internet for thier phone # or where to purchase. After using wait 2days then do the water change...Their are no short cuts...good luck...


Active Member
when battling red slie, you really have to eliminate the source of the excess organics, as these are what causes the dreaded slime. overfeeding can be a cause, as can poor circulation, leaving organics to build up in an area of the tank. What are your water parameters at? of all the tanks ive tested with the red slime, you can usuallly see an increase in nitrates, that are an indicator to the prob. Run a poly filter, reduce feedign, increase circulation, and reduce lighting. ive also used chemi-clean by boyd enterprises and the stuff works miracles, but is only a temp solution. to completely rid the tnak of red slime you must eliminate the source
good luck in your battle, we've all been where you are at one time or another