Active Member
I'm having a problem with my 55 gallon setup. I'm working towards a reef tank. I have about 35lbs of live rock. The tank's been running for a few months. I've changed out some of the fish due to compatibility issues, but have had general success with fish. Currently I have a percula clown, a tomato clown w/ a bubble anenome, a black/yellow damsel and a bicolor psuedochromis. I also have a few reef crabs (I know that I need more) and an arrow crab. I just removed a sebae anenome this morning. I've had him for a few days, but he just wouldn't come around. I've had trouble keeping inverts alive with the exception of the bubble anenome. He looks great. I had the water professionally tested yesterday. The ammonia was spiked. I did a water change and started using Mark Weiss' Reef Vital DNA.Salinity and specific gravity are good. Now the fish have white spots on them this morning. What's wrong?