Make my tank, yours! Need opinions on what else to get...


75 gallon reef tank w/ 85lbs of live rock, and about 80lbs of live sand. I have 110 x 4 watts of VHO mixed super actinic and white actinic. My current stock list is:
3 - green reef chromis
1 - damsel
1 - sally lightfoot crab
1 - blenny
I want to add some color and excitement to my tank with some cool fish and corals. Any advice on what to get is greatly appreciated. I wanted to get a yellow tank, and an emperor angel. As well as two goby's to clean the sand.


BTW, all of the water perameters are great, temp is 78, and the tank has been running for about 4 months.


i have almost the exact same setup and have a yellow tang, clown, chromis, scooter blenny and mandarin goby. The mandarin looks amazing and is very colorful when he's out in the open. You may want to wait a few more months if you want to get one just to be sure that your copepod population can support him. I had a diamond goby too and he did a great job of cleaning the sand (unfortunatley he was a jumper). My yellow polyps add a lot of color to the tank and seem to be doing really well under the lighting.


Thanks natureboy. The mandarin is on my list, but like you said, I'm waiting a few months to build that population so he doesn't go hungry. I was thinking about a yellow tang, and an emperor angel as well.