Make your choise for president known!


Active Member
Support the Candidates
There are just over seven months until the election, an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show each other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all get together, Democrats and Republicans alike.
If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive with your headlights on during the day.
If you support Obama or Hillary, please drive with your headlights off at night
someone sent this too me. I take no responsibility for this.


Active Member
I don't support any of the 3 candidates.
my support was with Mitt Romney. I also would've voted for any of the other Republican nominees. but not McCain.
of candidates actually on the ballot, I will decide among the Libertarian, Constitution, or Green party candidates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I don't support any of the 3 candidates.
my support was with Mitt Romney. I also would've voted for any of the other Republican nominees. but not McCain.
of candidates actually on the ballot, I will decide among the Libertarian, Constitution, or Green party candidates.
Never thought I would say this, but Ralph Nader is lookin' pretty good. Wouldn't it be a freakshow if he won?!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Never thought I would say this, but Ralph Nader is lookin' pretty good. Wouldn't it be a freakshow if he won?!!!

it would be, but that's not going to happen. but it's still important imo to vote for a 3rd party if you can't support a Rep or Dem. because maybe eventually, we can have a 3rd, 4th, or 5th choice with an actual shot of winning. the 2 party system for 300 million people is at least 100 years outdated. one day in decades to come, if this country stands, people like Nader and Perot will be remembered as heroes.


Active Member
I will go on record saying that I voted for H Ross Perot.
Looks like I'll be making that choice again. Third party, that is.


Active Member
How about making it a poll so as we can see who is pulling they from this board. make it private so as we can not see who voted for whom as some will not say if it is posted.I am not one of those people I'm upfront.


Active Member
CONSTITUTION PARTY - Former Nixon Administration official and one-time Conservative Coalition chair Howard Phillips founded the US Taxpayers Party in 1992. The USTP pulled together several of the splintered right-wing third parties -- including the once mighty American Independent Party -- into a larger, more visible political entity. Renamed as the Constitution Party in 1999, the party is strongly pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-tax, anti-immigration, protectionist, "anti-New World Order," anti-United Nations, anti-gay rights, anti-welfare, pro-school prayer ...
I think I just found a new party.


I second the poll request. I'd make one, but I don't know how to.
Most people know I've worked for Obama, so my answer is clear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
What do you mean?

you have worked for obama and have "vote obama" in your tag line and said your choice was clear... socal said "anyone but obama, right?"... get it... its pretty funny actually...
but socal cracks me up all the time...


Originally Posted by ruaround
you have worked for obama and have "vote obama" in your tag line and said your choice was clear... socal said "anyone but obama, right?"... get it... its pretty funny actually...
but socal cracks me up all the time...

I'm pretty sure Obama knows I'm voting for him.

Hopefully it was nice sarcasm...I'm tired of people (not just people online) getting angry because of my personal choice to vote and intern for him.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
I second the poll request. I'd make one, but I don't know how to.
Most people know I've worked for Obama, so my answer is clear.
I've worked for a lot of people, doesn't mean I'd want any of them to be president.

bang guy

Originally Posted by ruaround
you have worked for obama and have "vote obama" in your tag line and said your choice was clear... socal said "anyone but obama, right?"... get it... its pretty funny actually...
but socal cracks me up all the time...

Sarchasm: (sär′kaz′em) The gap in intelligence between the person being sarcastic and the person that didn't get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
What do you mean?

Originally Posted by kikithemermaid

I'm pretty sure Obama knows I'm voting for him.

Hopefully it was nice sarcasm...I'm tired of people (not just people online) getting angry because of my personal choice to vote and intern for him.
Not angry at all. Just saying that a lot of employees would never vote for their boss. I sure wouldn't. Unless you're talking about my other boss...He's Jewish. I'd vote for Him.