oooh neat, I see how you used the 45's I'm going to do that. I know what the purpose of it was but i just couldnt figure out how to do it, but now i get it out. I'm using the caulerpa because its really good stuff and it had been used in a refuge for like 3 years running. I heard that once the lights go off they go haywire, but its ok, i got a 24/7 light on there. I may change it later with some of my friends cheato. Or I have another Idea that when I have two ten gallon tanks, I can have one refuge with caulerpa, and the other can have cheato in it.
Tommorow I am going to add the baffles in, and order my overflow. Online the overflows are like 50 bucks, but in the lfs its like a 100 something, I was like damn!