Making a sump! Need some help....or else tell me if this sounds good.


Active Member
Well i asked people at another forum and no one gave me answers
:mad: So let me try it here
Ok, heres my plan. I'm going to take my rubbermaid container (18 gal) and put sand,rocks and macro algae, with a light on too. I got some questions, if i take sand thats packed in a bag and pour it in to the rubbermaid container will it make another cycle??????? What sand is best i should use? My tank is not drilled so i know i need a overflow, what kind and how many do i need? Is it hard to set up the overflow? I thinks that all my questions, if i have more i will post them.


Active Member
If you're adding sand, then you're going to need some kind of baffle system. When the water dumps into the sump, from the main tank, it'll constantly keep the sand stirred up, which is bad thing, unless you have baffles.


Active Member
I would recommend miracle mud for the fuge substrate. People say bad things about it, but it rules! I dont personally have it, but my old LFS used it and when I volunteered there, they're ammonia and nitrite and nitrates were ALWAYS at zero. Their tanks were also overstocked! Plus, that way u wont need a baffle system because it stays at the bottom of the sump/fuge pretty well.


Active Member
I'd recommend going out and buying another fish tank...maybe a 55gal. and then having a glass company cut you glass baffles and then installing them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Andy, u thing miricle mud is good?
U mean Adam? lol...yes, from what I have seen and heard, its good stuff.


Active Member
No not Adam, AW name is andy. I know my lfs has a 65gal used maybe i can ask him to drill it and add some baffles???? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
No not Adam, AW name is andy. I know my lfs has a 65gal used maybe i can ask him to drill it and add some baffles???? :thinking:
I mean the glass company not the lfs, my bad


Active Member
Well, I know CPR makes one, but it has some MAJOR design problems. I know there is a REALLY good type out there, but I cant think of the name. I think it was NM Reef who brought it up in an OOOLLLDDD thread. Maybe someone else will know the one I am talking about.


Active Member
I may not be able to get the 55gal, its either the rubber maid or a 25gal aquarium. Could i put baffles in the rubbermaid? I know some people use rubbermaids for sumps/fuge.