making asump or refug...


Can this be done using a 10 gal and tubing and a pump to pump the water back up,,and can one be added to an existing tank,,,I really know nothing about it, but thought it might be a good way to get the stuff off the back of my I need to cycle it,,or how does it work,,,,thanks for the advice in advance


It takes a little work but easy to do and gets everything off your tank and into the sump/refuge. heres one i build with skimmer/heater inside sump all thats in tank are powerheads and hidden return supply lines.

barry cuda

Can anyone post any details on how/where to place baffles to keep bubbles from the skimmer out of the main tank? I'm mechanically inept, so I'm having some trouble figuring this part out for myself ...


Can I see a pic of that fuge from the side? How many gallons is it? How do you know how tall to make the baffles? For example, I will be getting a 29 gallon tank and I don't know how high the baffles should be.