making bulk live rock


i just thought i would inform everyone of my great success of making my live rock.
here is what I did:
i used the dreaded Quickcrete, and just to inform people i live in northern texas, and being a good deal above sea level the concrete sets ten times more using the quickcrete wasnt a problem for me.. :joy: i then mixed it a 1:3 parts of concrete to crushed oystershell ratio...
i poured just regular quickcrete play sand into a foam cooler. and molded it the way i wanted the rocks to look. i made sure that the concrete mix was not soupy at all. i place the mix in the molds and let it set over night, and then took them out and let it sit out another night. in the mean while i filled an igloo cooler up with freshwater and place a heater (at 78 degrees) and a PH that pumps 400gph. i will let the rocks set in the freshwater for 2 weeks and then switch to saltwater.
and thats my story and im sticken to it
hope that helps a few that can make since of that madness...


To "PhilgMiami" I will post pictures of my last three batches after they are done curing. If you want to get some ideas, look up "scott9311" on page one or two; he's got great shapes and a recipe that I and (I think) "Shiby" follow.


Well I was down at florida so I didn't have a chance to make ... Im planning on making a lot of rock this wkend depending on my time frame i've been also building a sump and gonna start a stand... so we'll see


Come on Shiby...pull an all nighter if you have to,
I'm dyin' to know how they came out.


Active Member
WHy cant i see your photos? What format are they in? I have had this problem with about half of the posts on this website... Thanks for the info,


I have noticed that all pictures that were posted before the reformatted forum... were lost.. thats why you can't see them... :thinking:


Here is my first set of diy rock,

I followed scott and mixed 1 part of water, 1 part of cemment and 4 part of oyster shell. Pixs you see there is the results just after one day.


Here are my first set of DIY LR almost cured. The ph reading is 8.4 and it's pretty much seed now, I may add to tank this weekend.



Active Member
here is one i just made for a nano tank. it is one peice that will fill in for every spot in the tank, there are feeding lines for spot feeding corals and a spcae made in the back to fit power heads ro things like heaters.
it was built in steps the pics go in order.



i just used portland l/ll, sand and water.. i didnt use the shells though, i like the smooth look better :yes: ,, ill be makeing the center piece in a few minutes,, i have this idea with baloons :thinking: blow about 4 or 5 ballons up about the size of a softwall, some bigger, some smaller.. after you make your mudd, cover each baloon with at least an inch of mudd(your mix).. after you cover then with mudd, make sure you leave lil windows open so you see the balloon, this is for later when it drys, you can pop the ballon and form caves :yes: .. stach them as you want!!!add a few solid balls of mudd through out... you can even be more creative and add air stones to the caves while there wet... this will act as a cleaning system to clean the caves out of any debree in time in your tank... you can leave them on(air stones) for show, or use it when you want to flush the caves out....ill be adding a few pics of my creation by tomorrow( i have a digi cam, i love taking pics,lol
.. if anyone has any questions, you can add me on yahoo---philgmiami2003
tools i use when i make my rock:
metal spoon: for digging...note:wait about 2 hrs after you make the rock, till it hardes a lil
screw driver: for digging out holes for air tubes and making sharp edges
tools i use after 24hrs:
hard brissel scrub brush: to brush down the rock of lil rock particals
old tooth brush: for those hard to reach areas(caves)lil rock particals
hammer and str8 head screw driver:if you want to brake appart your rock(yep i had to change my mind after 24 hrs, the rock was hard as steal and i wanted to change a rock.. heres the link to my home made rock,, youll see the whole piece i made in the first few pics, then i changed my mind and split it in two, now ill make a center piece using my balloon idea.. the center pice will be twice as high as the two end pieces.. hope you like...if you want to reply after looking at my rock, leave the reply in the link... hope i helped out someone


Hey Philgmiami, I sell my stuff too (I read your link) I sell it to a couple of different lfs and average about $6 per piece. Some that I make are simple base rock, and others are very decorative like yours, except I and the lfs prefer the rough porus stuff. The small base rock stuff I sell for $5 and the larger decorative stuff I sell for $7. I can make about 150lbs of rock for about $14. I make about $180 (store credit) per batch, subtract $14 for cost and that yields $166 in store credit. So far I've sold about five batches, which is about $830 in store credit. It takes about four total hours to make one batch (150 lbs) which I break up into two days. I enjoy it and my boys love helping me to mix & mold it.


well i made some more rock yesterday... i made a first batch with cups... and then i decided that i wanted to make a lot... so we took a coffee can and used that as our parts! it made a lot... just make sure you use a paint mixer... this helps a lot in the mixing process if you have a lot at one time especially... ill let you kno how it turns out.
as for phil.. it seems to me that you just pretty much let your rock dry and then you just mold it yourself... ill hafta try that.. ive just been doing mine in a box and also on plywood.


Scott 9311, I see all the instructions, but I am a see it and do it not a read it and do it guy.Was wondering if I brought the materials could you explain it for me. I am in the area and my dad works in annapolis by the marriott. I definetly do not want to spend $300-400 in live rock if I can make it myself. Please email me at if you are willing to help. I am very flexible on time so that is not an issue. Or if not any solution that you can think of I would greatly appreicate it.


would it be okay that once you soak the rock in vinegar and then say soak it in water for a week to get rid of the vinegar... to put the rock in a tank that is just being established and is just going through the cycle phase??


Yep, I cure it for 4 weeks in fresh H20, then another week or so in salt H20. I test the pH before and as long as it's below 8.5, I'm happy
Sometimes, if I want to cure it really fast, I'll only put one piece in a large 20 gallon rubbermade container. I'm getting kinda burned out though; I make about three batches per week. Each batch yeilds about 7-10 pieces depending on size/shape, etc.


You know Shiby, I read all these people soaking in vinegar, baking soda and ?????? To my knowledge, the best (and only) way to cure the stuff properly is underwater. I've heard of people letting it bake in the hot sun to speed up the curing process. I'd do that before soaking it a bunch of chemicals. JMO


I think curing is like cycling the tank. Do not rush it or it could be distastrous :yes: