making food for the fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by spoils94
no to hijack this thread but is it possible to use canned foods instead of frozen?
The reason you don't want to is because you lose some nutritional value in the canning process.


Active Member
What I do is find whatever seafood I haven't cooked in the freezer and blend it up, I add a few leaves of long leaf lettuce, put some brine or mysis shrimp in some r/o water some vitamins, a whole garlic and blend it up.
This time around they liked it better, I found fresh sardines at the grocery store yum. And stuck one of those in there along with some scallops, and shrimp plus the healthy stuff. One thing you do need to be careful with is to not add to much of an oily fish (if you aren't sure anything that isn't mild will be oily like a sardine, or salmon) a little is ok just not alot. I just toss in the cube and don't worry about defrosting it. Never had a problem. Lately I've been spot feeding some of my corals the same mixture so I have been letting it dethaw.


1. San Francisco Bay Brand Krill Flat Pack
2. San Francisco Bay Brand Plankton Flat Pack
3. San Francisco Bay Brand Bloodworms - Frozen
4. San Francisco Bay Brand Frozen Reef Plankton
5. San Francisco Bay Brand Cyclops
6. Marine Cuisine
7.Emerald Entrée
8. 100% Squid
9. Omega-3 enriched Brine Shrimp
10. 4 Romaine Lettuce Leafs
11. 2 Fresh Scallops from Market
12. Marine Flake Food small your choice I picked one with color enhancer
13. 1 Multi-Vitamin
Put all of the ingrediants (1-12) in a metal bowl and allow them to defrost. Then crush the Multi-Vitamin up till it is a powder. Then pour all ingrediants in a food processor and pulse 3 times. Add 1/2 cup freshly made salt water and mix with spoon. Pour all contains in a 1.gallon freezer bag. Close bag and lay on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer. Allow to freeze and when you are ready cut as much as you need and place in a small cup of water from your tank. Then use a turkey baster to feed your tank. It will feed all of your inhabitants as the nutriants are small enough and large enough for everyone. Good luck and not all foods work for everyone so with that siad do not over feed your tank.