So I have had nitrates in the high 80's. In the past 6 weeks I have done 3 50% water changes. I had been using "catalina ocean water" with no sucess in even a little of a change in nitrates...I had tested them once and thought they dropped to 40 but did the test again and it was still at 80 ish, so tonight I bougt "oceanic" salt in the pre-measured 5 gallon packs. I purchased 5 gallons of distilled water at the store and mixed everything in a 5 gallon bucket. I have it mixing overnight with a bubbler..... so my question is since it's been years since I mixed my own water... will it be ok to put in my tank if my water parm. are ok??? I don't have a RO unit, is the distilled water ok? And last, if I intend to do a bigger water change, how long do I have the water mix for before I can test to see if it's within parm. and place into tank.
My one fish and I thank you in advance!!
My setup:
80 gal.
canister filter (media changed 1 month ago)
uv sterilizer
broken coral floor (it gets suctioned VERY WELL with water changes)
20 pounds live rock (slowly accumulating)
2 turbo snails
1 flamehawkfish (had him for like 4-5 years now?? he's the only survivor from my ich attack in March 2008)
Amm. 0.25
Nitrates 80 ish may be more...
Nitrites 0
pH 8.0 (added buffer, my tank is ALWAYS at 8.2)
temp at 82
spec. grav. 1.021