Making the List and Checking it Twice


My fellow friends,
Like I have told you i am planning on setting up a 450 gallon reef. The list of things i need:
Tank 72*48*30
4*400 watts 20K XM
4*400 watts PFO MH Ballast
6 Parabolic Reflects
2*250 watts 10K XM
2*250 watts ballast
Tunze Wave Box for display
Sequence Hammer Head for closed loop
Mag 24 for protien skimmer
Mag 5 to pump into refugium
Mag 9.5 to keep water behind rock rack sturred up
2 Mag 12 to pump to display
Won Pro Heat Titanium 1000 watts to control heat
MR-4 Protien skimmer
Schuran Jetstream -1 Calcium Reactor
Coral Sand
2 livestock tanks 1 150 for sump and 1 100 for refugium
Does it look like I have the right kind of equipment?
Live rock i was looking at about 400 lbs to start but i want around 500 to 600 lbs. I have 200 lbs.
Sand how deep and how much?
How does the list look any suggestions?


wow, as a college student where are you living and what do you do for money... maybe I shouldnt ask!!!
WOW, sounds great... but when you move what will you do? Do you plan on living somewhere for many years?


Active Member
That's quite the list of equipment you have there!
All of the heat coming from that lighting and the list of pumps would be a concern to me. Depending on how well heat and evaporation are controlled in the area where the tank will be, I would be more worried about keeping the tank cool, rather than heating it; so a chiller may need to be in the plans.
Also, the Wavebox may not be enough, considering how wide the tank is. You may need to add the Wavebox extension to the list.


i was thinking of the wave box extension. It is going to be in the basement of my house i live at home w/ my parents and they are paying for half as long as i take care of it.
My basement stays around 75 to 77 all year round. do you think a dehumidifer would be something to look into.
As for moving i will be at my house tell i graduate not for another 3 years. I might as well take all i can get. Insurance, and a job will be taken care of because i work for my parents at a store they own.
I think will everything being on the floor or near the floor of the basement it should stay cool.
Anyother commits would be nice or advice.


i would still think that a chiller would be something to look into
with that much MH lighting and the size of the pumps, you're looking into some major heat production. even if it is close to the basement floor.
as far as the live rock goes i've always gone with the 1.5 lbs per gallon rule of thumb
the depth or presence of sand is up to you in your display tank, in your fuge, i would say a few inches at least, another thing to look into is the miracle mud, its some pretty good stuff.
also something to look into is a top-off system, they do make things a bit easier


those are all things i have looked into. Live rock when i get done i think will be around 500 to 600 lbs


you have made your list and checked it twice. funny that you asked about how much sand?
We know that you are investing into this 450 but we still dont know what you want to do with it.
EVERYTHING you put into this tank will have a relationship with everything else you put into this tank. What you have bought with all this equipment is a very large margin of error...and I applaud you.
I suppose, you will use this equipment to create a "showcase" reef tank. In which case I recommend investing tons more cash into growing your sand. In fact, buy the sand...feed it...keep it at least 6 inches deep so your nitrogen cycle is filtered only by the dsp...oh wait.
Maybe Im wrong....did you buy all of this equipment to house a single very rare and exotic "mimic" octopus? In that case...put no sand into this tank and ensure that the octopus cannot exit the top!
I am only jealously cynical since I cannot afford your equipment.
Seriously good luck on your tank and let us know how it goes.


Sorry I should have made things clear. It is going to be reef set up. It will take time to get everything up and going i want to put rock from the back to front about two and a half feet.
I want to put sps, lps, softies, everything. The reason for so much room up front is for clams and brains. I plan on tangs, gobies, shrimp, and a cleaning crew from my 75.
I was thinking a shallow sand bed like 1 to 1.5 inch of sand. Kind like Steve West 850 set up.