making waves


i am running two powerheads in my 55 gallon tank, how do i put them on timers to make waves, how long do i set them for and what kind of timer do you use for this kind of action?


i have the "natyural wave" powerstrip, cheap dosent do as much, but turns the pump on/off i really like it , my version is the older one, only powers 3 PH's but has 6 outlets, 3 to turn on/off and 3 to keep on all the time.


mine can run from 30 seconds to 3 muntutes, i have mine all on the lowest it can go, i think some of the $100 digital ones can go even shorted, but cant beat $33, I personaly love mine, maybe someother time i will get a newer better one, but for now this one works great.
it has a little dial that you turn to the time you want it on for.