H hammad Guest Mar 12, 2012 #1 please tell me how I distinguish between Male and female Percula Clown?
bang guy Moderator Mar 12, 2012 #2 If you look at a bonded Percula pair the female will usually be larger and more aggressive.
H hammad Guest Mar 12, 2012 #3 thanks for the reply but when i go to shop and i found 30 to 40 clown fishes in one tank...then how i recognize its male and female in such crowd?
thanks for the reply but when i go to shop and i found 30 to 40 clown fishes in one tank...then how i recognize its male and female in such crowd?
gemmy Active Member Mar 13, 2012 #5 Clowns are born males. As they mature, the dominant clown will morph into the female. The female will be larger than the male and are typically more aggressive.
Clowns are born males. As they mature, the dominant clown will morph into the female. The female will be larger than the male and are typically more aggressive.
S smallreef Guest Mar 14, 2012 #6 if you can buy 2 that are disproportionate to each other it may make it easier,,,eventually the larger one will become female normally...
if you can buy 2 that are disproportionate to each other it may make it easier,,,eventually the larger one will become female normally...
ronnobull New Member May 23, 2012 #7 http://www.breedclownfish.com/step-1-getting-a-breeding-pair-of-clownfish/ good info on breeding