Male blue jaw triggerfish


New Member
Hellow, I have just purchased a 75 gallon. I have seen male blue jaw triggerfish, and they are beautiful. I want to add one. What good tankmates should I add? I am going to add them all at once, because i'm ordering them off the internet, and want it cheaper. Thankyou.


Hellow, and welcome to the bestt bb on the net! Male blue jaws are excellent choices for the home aquarium. They get around 9 in, they are extremely hardy, and are one of the nicest triggerfish there are. I think these are the best triggerfish to get, because of there small size, low aggression, and beautiful colors and patterns. You should feed your trigger meaty foods like frozen mysis, krill, brine, squid, and other frozen meaty foods. You shouldn't feed your fish live, because the live is fatty and will give your trigger in the future bad liver problems. It will eat flake, but you should give your trigger a wide variety of foods, not just one type of food. Nice tankmates would be a dwarf zebra/fuzzy lions, and a snowflake eel. You should never add all the fish at once, keep it SLOW. It will give you the best trouble free problems in the future. Lions love meaty foods. When you purchase the lion it will probibly only eat live foods, you should wean your lion from live to frozen, this lion will eat what the trigger would eat, besides flake. These lions get 7 in big. And just like the trigger feed a wide variety of foods. Snowflake eels are excellent additions to tanks. They don't get big, only 30 in. they eat meaty foods, all the foods, the lionfish eats it'll eat. You should buy a feeder stick at your local fish store (lfs). When feeding put the food on the stivk, and put the food down to the eel's mouth, and it will do rest of the work. ;) You shouldn't put your eel in a habit of it eating on top of the tank, it will increase the chances of it jumping out of your tank. You should close up all openings on top of the tank, the eel will jump out. Good Luck! Hope I helped. Any more q's just ask!


New Member
Wow! Thanks for the info. Ya, I like the dwarf zebra lionfish, snowflakes are cool eels, but I was at my lfs yesterday, and they had a tassalata eel. Can I put one of those instead of a snowflake?


I was recently thinming of adding one to my 220 gallon tank, and thats to small for one. And I think a 75 gallon is to small for a tasseleta. These eels are extremely aggressive, and get around 70 in.(Ya, thats big) I'd go with a snowflake, they are pretty, stay small and are nice.


New Member
Hey topfish, I have a few questions for you. First I just wanna thank you, for givin me a lot of info on triggers. Now I knoe some more about them. I like pink tail triggers what can you tell me about them. Also, can you tell me about white tip triggers? Thanks again!


Hi, your welcome, just have a q on your mind just ask. Pink tail triggerfish are nice triggers. They are aggressive, but not that ggressive compared to other triggers. These guys are just as hardy as other triggers, and are pretty cool lookin. They get around 12-14 in. long.These triggers like the rest of them eat meaty foods (brine, krill, mysis, etc.), they like live, but you shouldn't because, when feeding this type of food it increases aggression, and the live foods are bad for your fish. It is fatty, and will give your trigger liver problems in the future. They get around 10 in. but I have seen larger ones around 12 in. in an lfs.I have had a white tip trigger in the past, when I just started this great hobbie. It was with a huma huma trigger. The huma huma attacked it, so I had to return the white tip. The white tip did not protect itself at all, all it did was swim away, I felt bad for the lil guy. Obviously this type of triggers are one of the nicer triggers. That is also what I have read a lot a couple of times. It eats the same things as the pink tail, and is the same as hardiness.


Pink tails are the least aggressive trigger,You can keep them with farely small fish,that can not be swallowed.Blue Jaws are more aggressive then pinktails,but are still a farely docile trigger,they still will bite the hand that feeds them though.