man-eating bicolor blenny


Active Member
So this is my bicolor he is about 1 week new to my tank. Whenever I stick my hand in the tank he gets very aggressive and bites my hand or my arm HARD!! At first I thought he was after my fingers but he is just going for whatever is closest. He got my arm below the elbow like 3 times today when I was trying to clean the glass.
Has anyone had a bicolor this aggressive before?
Cute little bugger! but man oh man is he nasty :p



never had a bicolor but ive got a pair of clowns, only one wears me out if i have to put my hand in the tank, so needless to say i limit my exposure lol


Active Member
My Black Sailfin Blenny is interested when I stick my hand, but by no means tries to attack me. The damn Domino Damsel is another story.


I've had a bi-color blenny in my tank for 3 months and he never tried to bite my hand, except once when I got really close to his home, which is a little cave in one of the rocks. But overall he's not agressive, nowhere near as the female maroon clown. Now she's MEAN!
Shrimpi, not to highjack your thread or anything but lady blaede is that the giant clam shell at the mueseum of natural history?



OMG! My bicolor blenny does the same thing! I use to blame it on the sixline wrasse I had because the nip would kind of feel "sharp". It wouldn't really hurt, but was definately noticeable when I would stick my arm in the tank and felt a nip on my inner forearm! It would scare me every time and I would jerk my arm out of the tank fast and splash water everywhere!

After I traded in my sixline, I was moving things around in my tank and moved a feather duster that was near my blenny's hole and he stuck his head out and bit me! That little booger was the one doing it the whole time and I blamed the poor sixline!

He's a territorial little thing... he has this little hole that he likes to stay in and sometimes the little crabs will come by and he will literally take the corner of their shells in his mouth and shake his head and fling them across the tank!

He's such a cutie... and this is why he probably gets away with what he does!~

Yeah, he also loves to "pose" on the cabbage leather.