man this is not good some stupid people in this world


Thanks, Ophiura. I can't argue with that. I agree, we aren't that far apart. :) I completely understand and respect your position... even though we aren't in total agreement :joy:


Active Member
BTW (major thread hijack...) What sort of environmental work if I may ask? Any consulting? That is a direction I always considered going...


Oh yeah, total hijack. :D Let's see... the short version... Got my M.S. in aquatic biology, did some teaching in grad school, and got a job working with herps at a zoo. Money wasn't too great, so I took my degree and got a job doing environmental compliance work for plant. After 5 years of site environmental management, I had the opportunity to go into consulting.It's demanding, but it's the way to go. Something different every week. Email ( me for specifics if you want...
With respect to the sharks, anemones, etc. We are very close in our views, but I just don't go for the people bashing. I've been keeping sharks since I was in high school and have made a couple mistakes, but I've learned a lot. Sadly, most species just can't make it in a home aquarium. However, I don't go for all the demonizing of folks. I believe that the majority of hobbyists are trying to do "the right thing." If someone wants to keep a couple smooth hounds pups in a 200 gallon tank, fine. Just be informed before you make the commitment and do the best that you can to provide them with a good home.


Active Member
I agree on the people and store bashing and I try to avoid it but it does happen. Sometimes it is so easy, when people open themselves up to it. Oh yeah, I like to deny responsibility. :D
I am a person who likes to see/hear lots of information given out to, well, honestly, discourage people who can't care for some animals to not get them. When I hear that from a seller, or I know the buyer is really informed and prepared, then so be it. I like to make a buck, but I have a hard time making a buck when an animal may end up in really unsuitable conditions because I made a buck. My former and now late boss at an LFS had this policy on seahorses (you needed water tests and basically take a course from us in their care)... I remember him saying that he would rather have them in the store and never sell one, then sell it to the wrong person.
Anyhow, I'll be sending off an email :D Thanks!


Active Member
And I don't think you will. I believe - and I think everyone here believes - that there are certainly species of sharks that are fine for home aquaria in the 180 - 250g range...epaulettes and bamboos especially! And if you can get larger tanks, then keep more active species, no worries. So I think people are reasonable. In fact, I had so many that I raised from eggs in the first year (probably 2 dozen or so) when I worked at an aquarium that I would have LOVED to find someone who had a tank for them. They are like rabbits. But I am still not a fan of active sharks in the 200g range for very long.
FWIW, I have a similar perspective with tangs...I am not a hard core tang police person. But there are hard core "never in a 4' tank" tang police who have their counterparts in keeping sharks. I'll give you a tang in a 55g for a little while - but I expect people have plans for a larger tank for it in the not too distant future. Solid plans. Same with sharks.
But many of those people didn't even think that public aquaria could keep sharks. That's crazy. I am totally for education and conservation of sharks - finning is pure evil, IMO - but you do that best by letting people be up close with them and see how beautiful they are. :yes: Obviously many of them are just not well informed on the very high success rate in captivity with certain types of sharks.


Okay, so you haven't left me unsupervised for the weekend. :D
Yes, allowing folks to see these species up close in either home or public aquariums will save a lot more sharks in the long run. If we didn't have "cute" dolphins performing at marine parks, we still might be getting dolphin with our tuna. :)