Mandarin acting funny


Active Member
i know abotu pods, this isn't abotu that, lets stay off that subject....anywho..
he keeps puffing up and blowing water out of him at the sand some times, he also was MIA for 40 minutes and JUST found him squezzed in between heater and glass, and my girlfriend said his fin might be bit..... anywho, whats up with the puffing? I'm sure I'll bust out more Q's later.


Active Member
Mandarins will "puff out smoke" while eating the pods. Eventhough we try to keep out tanks clean, there is some dietrus on the rock, sand that the mandarin will find. Kind of like the mother-in-law coming over.....she always finds the dust!!!!


Active Member
its different than that, cuz my scooter does that as well.... it was actually like he stopped... inhaled alot (ALOT) and then blew it all out and it blew the sand away from where he was, sort alike a mandarin sneeze....


Active Member
Interesting. I have no clue then. I would observe the mandarin to see is it starts to stress, remove and quarantine. I honestly have no clue.


Active Member
its fine now, it was only one time, didn't know if it was a normal activity, hes so freakin awesome though :)


Active Member
IMO this is normal behavior, he or she was probably just blowing at the sand to stir up any critters that may have been hiding in it. They use it to "flush" out the pods... no pun intended