Mandarin Died :-( Need Help


I had a Green Mandarin that died the other day :-( I wasn't told by my LFS, who knew my tank was only 3 1/2 months old, that I needed a more established tank due to their diet of pods. Anyways, I have no idea where the fish's body is, it just hasn't come out for about 3-4 days now, and I'm assuming it's dead because of the age of my tank. I have 2 Brittle Star fish and 25 Blue Leg Hermit crabs, and the reason I mention them is because I heard they will eat dead fish. My question is will they find the body and eat it, or do I have to find it and remove from the tank? I know it must be burried under my rockwork, or could be gone already if some of the above would eat the body. Any recommendations on what I should do?


Active Member
If it's dead they will find it, no doubt about that.
I'm not sure how appetising a mandarin is to eat so check your ammonia level just to be sure..