Mandarin Dragonet - Green - Dead

coral reefer

New Member
I had a Mandarin Dragonet - Green for about 2 years and about 2 weeks ago he died. While he made a great snack for my star fish I was sad to see him go. Here is what happen to the best of my knowledge.
I started noticing that he would sit in one spot for long periods of time. Then his colors would not look right. Then he developed two white spots under his front "fins". Then he was lunch. This took about 2 weeks as he had good day here and there but got increasingly worse.
I should also say that this happened when I made a mass attack on my aptesia problem. I hit them hard with Kalk and then added 15 large peppermint shrimp. They cleaned up the problem but do you think maybe they ate all the copepods?
My question is do you think he (or the shrimp) eat all of his food source or was it old age? Do you think I could sustain a new one or not? I have seen a few copepods "malts" but I have not seen many of them in a while (even before the shrimp army)


Active Member
give us some specs on your system, size, pounds of live rock, how long its been set up, have you added anything, and are the shrimp still in there?
what did you use to get the anemones? what are your water parameters, and how old was the mandarin?

coral reefer

New Member
Tank is about 5 years old, well established - 75g, 100lbs of sand, 110lbs of rock, 4x96 watt PCF, 4x1200gph maxijet ph, 2x400 watt heaters.
Filter is a 10 gallon Amiericlear sumb/filter, seaclone skimmer, small 250 watt heater and a 2500 Rio+ return pump.
I also have a 7 gallon bucket of fresh/kalk that gets "dripped" in via a float switch/pump, when the water level dips.
I have no clue how old the fish was, all I can say was I had him for 2 years. He didn't come with a birth cert :). The shrimp and everything else is fine. The tank mates are..
1 Yellow Tang (4+ years in tank)
1 Hippo tank (2+ in tank)
1 little white/pink fish (no clue what it is my gf bought it 3+ years)
1 Brown brittle star (4+ in tank)
1 green brittle star (new 6 months)
15 (or less) peppermint shrimp (new 6 months)
1 horseshoe crab (6 month but you never see him)
2 Purple Coridaails (6 months)
Green Polp cluster (4+ years)
Various snails and crabs, so many have come and gone over 5+ years I see thing I thought were dead long ago form time to time.
As for the anemones I used Kalk to burn the big ones and then used the peppermints to eat the rest.
To be honest I have not test the levels in a long time. after about 2 years of them never changing I stopped doing it. I do my water changes and all other maintenance, but slack on the testing.
Hope that helps give you an idea of my setup.


Active Member
maybe the kalk swung the alkalinity in your tank and that stressed him out and he just died.