Mandarin Dragonet


Anyone know if I can buy "pods" to feed a mandarin?
or if they will be just as happy with brine?
Hubby fell in love with this fish and I would really like to get
it for him for his b-day.
My tank is about 6 months old - DSB (about 5") and 100# of LR.


Active Member
If you really want a Mandarin I recommend a creating a fuge (bigger the better). In the long run, it will offer many benefits and it will probably end up costing less then if you were to buy Pods every few weeks for the fish (my 30 gallon fuge with return pump cost less then $100). Also, brine has no nutritional value and is not a good food choice unless you soak it in Selecon or similar product.


Active Member
I would say 100lbs in a 55 should provide enough pods for a mandarin. The fuge isn't a bad idea at all as it will also serve as a filter but not required IMO.


I just have a HOB filter and skimmer so to add a fuge would be a HUGE addition for me wouldn't it?
Thanks for all the help!!


Active Member
I agree with the above answers. But, yes there are several sources out there to buy pods. The auction site is one.


Buying pods is not an option for feeding a mandarin. They eat hundreds every day. When you buy them you only get 50 or so. Most mandarins won't eat/compete for prepared foods. And like said above brine isn't a good staple diet.
That being said, your tank is really close. You could go ahead and get it, then build a fuge. A fuge that is 20-30g will be the best thing you could do for your tank.


OK - now I guess my next question is how to build the easiest possible fuge - my tank is NOT drilled....
I am kinda confused about this whole fuge thing so if someone can please post pics or a good description.


Active Member
I have a 55 gal, with a hang on back fuge. I bought a fuge pack on line, and filled it up. My madrine is doing great. and i have tons of pods in the hob fuge.


Active Member
I also have a 55gal that’s undrilled. What I did was make an overflow box out of acrylic and ¾ inch bulk head which I have draining into a sump and my fuge (60% flow to sump and 40% to fuge). If you don’t have room for a sump you could partition (or baffle) your fuge into 3 sections. The first will be water in from overflow box. This will lead into your main fuge area. Then main fuge area will lead into return (compartment for you return pump). This will also allow you to T off your flow from the overflow so you can run water into section 1 and 3 so you can control flow rate over section 2. You don’t want really high flow rate over the fuge and the ability to control the rate is desired. You can do a Google search for DIY refugium and get more detailed info.
It's a really easy DIY project and with fuges, bigger is better.


TeresaQ, where do you find a hang on back fuge online? I am thinking about getting one if I can find one. If you still remember where you got it, could you drop me a line? Thanks so much. -jacob


I wanted a mandarin also and someone on another posting had a great idea. I didnt want to set up a fuge so they suggested using a strawberry container and adding some LR to it and allowing pods to grow. This can be done in a QT tank or the main tank. I thought this was a great idea and the container can be camouflaged with rock or corals and there is constantly a pod supply.


Neat idea, Seahorse! Please tell us how it works out!
One of my customers gave me a neat idea that he swears works but since I haven't tried it can't tell you for sure one way or the other... Buy any old cheap powerfilter, bigger the better, take out all the filter media cartridges so you're left with an empty box, fill it with macroalgae, put a clip on light, plug everything in, and voila! A crude insta-fuge! I'd say you could probably seed that with some pods and they'd continue to grow.


This may sound like a stupid ? but how do you get the pods to the main tank for the mandarin to feed on. Darrin