Sorry, I didnt see your post till now..
A POD population, is what your Mandarin eats..They are flea like, semi-transparent bugs..
When you see him swimming around looking at a rock, or the substrat, then jus pecking his head foward...thats what he is eating..
Amd MOST Mandarins do not eat frozen/flake or anything other than copepods..and I dont believe you can "train" them to do it...Either they do or they dont...and if you try to train one that will not eat anything other than pods, it WILL starve to death...
The females fin, is more like a fatty very tiny
, with a small fin, as opposed to the males dorsal which comes directly out of his back..and is noticably longer..its almost the length of the fish...
Sorry again, I didnt see the post..
~Susie, Oh, and I am sure with your tank being up for over three years you have enough pods to feed two Mandarins..