Mandarin Dragonette


i was doing some reading on this species and the book said it is possible that these fish are toxic it doesnt really give a definite answer what i was wondering was if anybody had any problems with one of these fish contaminating their tank?? also i know that these fish are very very shy has anybody ever had one that likes to hang out at the top of the tank when the lights are off ive caught mine hanging around the top 3 times in the last week with absolutely no lights on?? thanks for any info its appreciated


Active Member
Originally Posted by DVST8R
i was doing some reading on this species and the book said it is possible that these fish are toxic it doesnt really give a definite answer what i was wondering was if anybody had any problems with one of these fish contaminating their tank?? also i know that these fish are very very shy has anybody ever had one that likes to hang out at the top of the tank when the lights are off ive caught mine hanging around the top 3 times in the last week with absolutely no lights on?? thanks for any info its appreciated
I have not heard that they are toxic. All I know is they will ONLY eat/survive on live pods. Hope you have enough live rock 75-100 lbs. worth in an established tank or it will not make it.


They have a toxic slime that is released as a defense mechanism. It won't kill anything, just tastes bad enough that other fish leave it alone.
Actually, it can kill it's self on the way home from the pet store. The small amount of water in the bag can allow them to suffocate themselves. Yup, happened to me.


i had a fish when ever i turned out the light it started swiming on the top. i also got my eating live worms. the only way i did that was adding to much food so the fish could not get it all and have it sink to the bottom and he pick t up evently. but that was just my fish


thanks for guys the slime that they release makes sense i appreciate the help thanks guys by the way the book is called the tropical marine fish by gordon kay and was published in 1995 so that might explain why it doesnt go into so much detail about this fish my tank has 130 lbs of lr and is 9 months established the mandarin seems to be eating and everything always grazing on the rock and occassionally will eat blood worms very rarely though


Active Member
I can see the slime part when I brought mine home. Good thing I don't live far from my LFS. She's looking good in my tank. I just LOVE the way they swim!!!! She's been at the LFS for a while now before I brought her home. It's a Green Mandarin. :happyfish


fyi the slimecoat also protects against ich and other comman problems your entire tank could be covered in ich and they will not get it. also u don't need x amount of lr what u do need is a tank that is very established with a healthy population of pods. i've had my mandrian from 2 years. in a 29gal tank not to say this will work for everybody but it does for me. before u buy make sure it eats not stressed and check other tank mates are they sick cause your mandrian will not show signs of many illnesses. also altho there cheap in comparison to other fish don't buy unless u can dedicated the time and tank setup for these wonderful creatures lil drunk so take with a grain of salt but i love these lil guys great succes with them and ain't to see/hear any die


My LFS is 1 hour away when I do get one should I tell them to place it in a very large bag with plenty of water so it will make it home alive?


my lfs is also an hour away see if they can use oxygen instead of regular air to fill the bag it helps just tell them you have a long drive and they should take care of you