mandarin eating frozen!


Active Member
wooHOO! yesterday, while i was feeding my acans, i noticed my mandarin EATING (and not spitting out!) frozen mysis shrimp! he also eats frozen bloodworms like spaghetti!
oh, and yesterday was the first day he actually acknowledged my existence. what a day.
just thought id share.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
wooHOO! yesterday, while i was feeding my acans, i noticed my mandarin EATING (and not spitting out!) frozen mysis shrimp! he also eats frozen bloodworms like spaghetti!
oh, and yesterday was the first day he actually acknowledged my existence. what a day.
just thought id share.
Nice Alix!!! Not to rain on your parade but he still needs copepods, many of them per day, in his diet. Mandarins can eat frozen like there is no tomorrow while they slowly die from malnourishment.


Active Member
yeah, i know, the things FAT. i rescued her from a pet store cause she was emaciated and only one of two that were still alive in the tank. they even gave her to me for half price cause she was so pathetic looking. that was about six months ago. now shes huge and pigs out on pods all freakin day.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
yeah, i know, the things FAT. i rescued her from a pet store cause she was emaciated and only one of two that were still alive in the tank. they even gave her to me for half price cause she was so pathetic looking. that was about six months ago. now shes huge and pigs out on pods all freakin day.

Nice!!! It is awesome that she is taking some frozen too. It will give the pods a short pause in the day


Active Member
i never realized what entertaining fish they were, i guess since ive been ignoring my tank lately. she lives in a massive patch of kenya and palys, and when the palys catch some driftaway food, she steals it from them. does the same thing to bristleworms. very inquisitive little fish, we spent a good hour staring at eachother yesterday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by impulse-ive
What is the best way to get a good copepod population i'd love to get a Mandarin.
a fuge will be a big help.or u can stick cheato somewhere in ur tank so the mandarin can't get to it...great place for pods to reproduce...


Active Member
that or put rubble piles in the back corners. any place pods can go to get away until they can populate.
My mandrine also eats mysis now and then, but she sure loves her pods.


not trying to jack your thread but, if i have about 80 lbs of live rock and a wet/dry system in a 90 gal that should support a desent pod population correct?


Active Member
I would say it should, yes. You will just need to have some places for them to reproduce so that they don't get eaten before they can breed.