Mandarin eats Mysis


New Member
I gave some mysis to my other fish and when they hit the sand my mandarin eats them
if it is eatin shrimp do i still need my fuge or can i turn it into a mantis shrimp tank ??


Active Member
Nope, you need your fuge for pods, mysis shrimp, though better then brine shrimp, is not a diet any fish can live on.


Active Member
But if you take away the fuge, you won't have any pods after awhile, do you have lots of LR?


New Member
i have ......around.....30 pounds LR on my 24 not i should have fuge right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilentJ
Bump.....i need to know cuz i am placing the order for my mantis TODAY at 5:00 central
Well, it sounds to me that you've already got your mind made up.
No offense, but please don't ask, if you don't want to hear the truth. Mantis Shrimps are highly predatory, and if given the chance, I'm SURE would eat the pods. You need as many pods as possible, being as your tank is only 24 gallons, which IMO, a mandarin shouldn't be kept in anyway. You don't want ANYTHING in your fuge, that could even possibly decimate your pod population.

So, long story short, don't get the mantis.


Active Member
Not to take over the thread but how do you keep a mandarin w/o the fuge. I have a lot of pods on the rocks and back of the tank but I am not sure if that would be enough for a mandarin. I use a wet dry filter which I don't think will produce pods like a fuge would.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Well, it sounds to me that you've already got your mind made up.
No offense, but please don't ask, if you don't want to hear the truth. Mantis Shrimps are highly predatory, and if given the chance, I'm SURE would eat the pods. You need as many pods as possible, being as your tank is only 24 gallons, which IMO, a mandarin shouldn't be kept in anyway. You don't want ANYTHING in your fuge, that could even possibly decimate your pod population.

So, long story short, don't get the mantis.



Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Not to take over the thread but how do you keep a mandarin w/o the fuge. I have a lot of pods on the rocks and back of the tank but I am not sure if that would be enough for a mandarin. I use a wet dry filter which I don't think will produce pods like a fuge would.

How big is your tank, and how much LR do you have?


Active Member
I have a 120g and not sure on the amount of rock because I removed a lot of rock when I rearranged everything. If I had to guess, I would say 100lbs+. Just a guess. I also have a 6-line wrasse and was told that he would also eat the pods a lot faster than the madarin would. Not sure on this.


Active Member
You can try and build a "pod pile" in a corner of your tank if you don't have a fuge. Stack up several small pieces of LR and the pods can reproduce in that. I'm not sure how well that will work though, the wrasse could probably still get to the pods. Sixlines will quickly decimate the pod population in your tank. You could try an HOB fuge (that's what I have) it's only like 3 1/2 gallons but it does the job. It is loaded with pods and little brittle stars.


Active Member
Thanks. I am not familiar with a HOB fuge. Can you give me more info on one? Do you buy it ready to go or do you build it? Do you have a pic of yours and what are the dimensions. I don't have a lot of room in the back. Basically any info would be helpful. Thanks again.
Ok, I did a search and found what you were talking about. Not sure if I would have room with my overflow box, skimmer with preskimmer box and powerheads.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilentJ
Bump.....i need to know cuz i am placing the order for my mantis TODAY at 5:00 central
If you get the mantis, do your mandrin a favor and give him a better home.


New Member
...i dont get it ive asked in other boards and they have said it would be ok....that mantis dont eat pods........why is it that you all think it wont be??


Active Member
If you have a mantis and he eats the larger pods (egg bearers) who will lay eggs so you can have pods for your mandrin?


New Member big pods are the egg bearers...i get it....if i want a mantis...ill start a new tank...and ill keep pods alone..........for now


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilentJ big pods are the egg bearers...i get it....if i want a mantis...ill start a new tank...and ill keep pods alone..........for now

Smart guy
Ypur mandrin thanks you