Mandarin Goby & DSB?


Can you put a Mandarin Goby in a tank with a DSB? Will the Goby stir the sand up to much and eat all the life that can be found within it?
No mandarin gobys are perfectly fine with a dsb and actually I would prefer you have one with them. They cant eat all the life out of a dsb because there is way more life in them than a mandarin or we can see. The mandarins eat celopods(spelling) which can be found in live sand but if the tank isnt established long enough or doesnt have a good supply of them breading it will whipe them out which for some mandarins are their only food source. I think mandarins are great if you have a decent sized tank to support enough food. I would not recamend them in anything less than a 75 or a tank without a very deep sand bed or much live rock.If you have plenty of sand and live rock, and your tank is WELL ESTABLISHED, I say go for it if your tank is big enough but good water quality is also a must for these fish as well.I love them but some peoples tanks just arent meant to have them.


No, don't go for it. Read this article Deep Sand Beds by Ron Shimek.
In this article, he wrote in Red caps,
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ADD "SAND-SIFTING" ANIMALS SUCH AS BURROWING SEA STARS OR SOME GOBIES. These animals are "sifting" the sediment to eat the sand critters that you need to have thrive. From this point, gradually add more animals up to the desired level.
This totally make sense to me.


Clownman, first off mandarins barely sift any sand. Second off they are not gobies but dragonettes. DSBs and mandarins are a GOOD combo, as there is more critter life for the mandarin to eat.


Also, Clownman's quote is correct sand sifting stars and burrowing gobies do disrupt a DSB. A mandarin isn't a burrowing goby though.


Wonderful response Templar, that was exactly the sort of info i was looking for, Thank you. Clownman, i read that article also and that is what sparked my question because of the Dragonete vs gobie debate. Thank you all for your help.