mandarin goby..


Are these really hard to keep? I have 30 gallon tank with lots of rock, its a new tank so i would wait...but can I keep them in a 30?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
Are these really hard to keep? I have 30 gallon tank with lots of rock, its a new tank so i would wait...but can I keep them in a 30?
Need about 100lbs of live rock that is very well established.
I have heard of some people having luck training the little dragnets to eat frozen, but not common.


Originally Posted by renogaw
he meant no btw to keeping in a 30 gallon tank...
local lfs has them in a 10 g with no live rock,,,and theyre eating frozen...
maybe its hard to get them to do it, but maybe not impossible?


Active Member
Always sounds like the best bet for a small tank keeper is to have the LFS show you that it eats frozen or pellets or flake food or multiples of the above prior to purchase. If it doesn't it will most likely starve do to the limited amount of live food in your tank.


Active Member
it is not impossible, but highly unlikely they will survive long on it, especially when competing for food in a tank with high flow like our tanks will have.
a mandarin jumps all over the rock, then stops... looks at the rock... looks some more... then eats a pod. goes on stops... looks at the rock, etc.
they also can be trained to eat pellet food as well, but what if it doesnt? what if it can't eat frozen? it will be dead after starving to death.


Thats what I thought. Im getting a large tank next in a few years i'll pick one up. For now, im just going to get an orange spotted or a twinspot goby. The Randall's goby is nice too.


Active Member
orange spots are a tad tough to keep alive, just make sure you feed it a nice meaty diet a couple times a day and you'll be fine. it is a tad aggressive as well, so having two bottom dwellers may be an issue.


Active Member
twinspot is a hard. they only eat off the sandbed. u can buy copepods and put it in ur tank to feed to mandarin.