mandarin or not!


hi guys!!I was wondering if my tank could support a Dragonet .I read that i need to have 1oo lbs of lr and i only have 50 lbs and 50 gallons tank,but since i have a 24 inch hang on refugium i tought i could try one ,heven wen the light are on i can see pods everywere and molts!!btw sorry for the bad english i'm from Montreal(french)lol


That's a pretty small tank for one. It's possible he'd be alright but I wouldn't do it.


Active Member
I wouldn't either, but its not impossible because you do have a refuguim, but its still chancey.


i have one in a 45 gallon tank with about 25lbs of live rock and he is doing great. he eats pods and frozen brine shrimp. i have him about 6-7months now and he is health as ever. soon as i go towards the tank with food he comes out from hiding to eat. i guess i got lucky with him.


mostly a refugium is for pods to reproduce safely,mine is a hang on type ,it is a 24 inch plexiglass box with separation inside,there's live sand ,special mud, and algae,the water goes inside that box from the diplay and come out the other end,draging somes pods inside the display.Plus it have certain filtration hability..But maybe someone with a better english than mine could explain it better lol


Active Member
i have a spotted mandarin in my 40g and had him for over a year. i must have horny pods or something cause there are still are amry's of them. they are in my fluval and when i clean it there has to be around 40 of them at the bottom of it. i don't mind, they help. my mandarin is about 3.5". he great. but b4 you get one, make sure you meet the requirements. u don't want a fish go to waste


i dont want to give you false hope or anything, but about a week or so ago i bought myself a target mandarin, and hes been eating, mysis, brine, bloodworms, formula one pellets, he seems to be eating everything. But i have been adding vitamins to all food, so that he's healthy, maybe im just lucky though