mandarin question

can you have a diamond goby and a mandarin in the same 90 FOWLR tank. I already know about the coepod issue I will have plenty of LR and refgium


Active Member
I have both, should be just fine. The diamond is mainly in the sand, and the mandarin is mainly in the rocks. As long as you have a refugium growing lots of pods and microfauna you should be just fine. And of course lots of live rock for the mandarin. I am assuming that the tank is matured right? (over 9 months) Enjoy them both, they are wonderful fish in their own way. :happyfish


As already stated, they should do fine together. I have both of them aswell, in my tank. No issues here. Im not sure, though, if you were asking this assuming they both eat copepods. I dont know that a diamond sided goby eats copepods, not that they are against eating them, but I dont think they feed on them as the majority of their diet. Mine eats any frozen foods I put in the tank and he is a pig. Also make sure your rocks are pretty stable. These goby love to move sand all day long. Creating caves and caverns that he sits in. Mine also will swim like he is a normal fish, not just a sand dweller.
the tank is not setup up yet but had no plans to add a mandarin till around the end of the year. just planning out my setup and making sure that I have specimens that can cohabitate