mandarin question


Active Member
I've been fascinated watching my new mandarin, but i have in the back of my mind the worry of is it eating enough. I see it swim, stop, look at the rock, pick at the rock, swim a little more, rince repeat. upside down, hanging vertically on the rocks, swimming from rock to rock, everywhere in the tank, even on the sand.
is he eating when he pics at the rock? I know i have a TON of amphipods and i see copepods on my glass every once in a while. i just want to make sure he wouldn't be picking at the rock unless there was something to pick at.


I'v had mine for over a year now, he is very healthy. When I first got him he would hunt all day and night, now he just hunts during the day, I also got him to eat frozen food, so that is a plus. At night now I find him under a rock sleeping.
I wouldnt worry unless you start seeing him get skinny, then I would worry. otherwise, just sit, watch and enjoy the way he hunts, its kinda cool.


I really dont know. I have a very peaceful tank, all my fish get along, they are always swimming together. I tried some frozen blood worms one time, I saw him eating them, then I tried some frozen mysis and brine, he ate both of them as well. So I guess I just got lucky. I dont really have any other explanation for it.


Active Member
my mysid shrimp never make it to the bottom of the tank between the pumps and other fish. maybe i'll turn them off next time.
it is funny though to see my coral beauty thwap him with its tail. that's the extent of the aggression in my tank though so hopefully i can try something to get him to eat mysid.


Active Member
My mandarin eats frozen mysis/brine when I give it to them as well. When I want to feed the mandarin, I first feed the rest of the tank with their usual Formula 2 flakes. I wait until they are nearly gone, then add the mysis/brine mixture to the area of the tank that he is in. They don't have the greatest eyesight (distance) and aren't the fastest fish, so mine normally waits for something to land close to him, then he goes to town.
I have also heard of people getting a turkey baster (or a straw would work if used properly) and releasing the mysis in the exact location of the fish to ensure that the food is there for them.


Active Member
do they make glasses or contacts for mandarins? :)
i was thinking about turning off the pumps and squirting some shrimp near him after feeding the rest. we'll have to see how it goes :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
do they make glasses or contacts for mandarins? :)
i was thinking about turning off the pumps and squirting some shrimp near him after feeding the rest. we'll have to see how it goes :)
glasses, silly. contacts wouldn't stay on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
do they make glasses or contacts for mandarins? :)
i was thinking about turning off the pumps and squirting some shrimp near him after feeding the rest. we'll have to see how it goes :)
I'd try for the glasses as contacts don't stay in if you open the eyes under water.....