mandarin turning colors


Hay u all
I just noticed that my Mandarin is loosing his color. It is king of white looking around his head. Anybody got anything
Did you just turn the lights on? Mandarins will lose their color at night most of the time, if your lights just came on then wait about 30 min and it should be back to normal.


Active Member
If he consistently is looking ike he's losing color, it means he's dying. The same thing happened to mine. He started losing color and then a few weeks later he died.
If possible, go to your LFS and see if they have copepods you can buy... it's really their only food source, and he's probably depleted your tank of them. You can also order copepods online.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
If he consistently is looking ike he's losing color, it means he's dying. The same thing happened to mine. He started losing color and then a few weeks later he died.
If possible, go to your LFS and see if they have copepods you can buy... it's really their only food source, and he's probably depleted your tank of them. You can also order copepods online.
+1 pods .... lots of pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phils29bcinwa
Did you just turn the lights on? Mandarins will lose their color at night most of the time, if your lights just came on then wait about 30 min and it should be back to normal.
this is most likely your problem.. well its not a problem, but when they are sleepy they get all washed out.
Good Luck