This is also in fish discussion, but maybe i thouh i could get better answers. I know all about the warnings of keeping mandarinfish, but despite all the things I have heard I really want to try one. I have a few questions though before i consider it. I know mandarins need large established tanks with a fuge, but I was just wondering. I have a 14 gallon biocube. If I could make it into a fuge/reef with cheato algae and calerpa algae and as much rock as possibe could I keep a madarin in it. I would make sure the tank is established. I would also add copods and live brine mabye once or twice a week. The mandarin would be the only fish in the tank. Right now there is a royal grammah in the tank that I will be moving to my 75 or 90, not sure. The tank is also growing crazy with feather calurpa. Could this be done?
Also is it cant be done this way could i breed the pods and if i do how often and how many should I add?
Also is it cant be done this way could i breed the pods and if i do how often and how many should I add?