

To start, I have a 29 gallon reef tank with 75lbs of LR and 2 inch sand bed. The tank has been up and running for about 6 months. It has taken a while but over the last month I have noticed and increasing amount of pods....and over the last week.......well, its almost getting out of hand.....I mean they are all over everything in my tank......the glass looks like it is moving. i know the tank hasn't been up and running that long(in reef tank standards) but would it be a safe move to try one of these awesome little spectacles of nature a shot?


Active Member
See if your LFS has one, then come in and eye the litte bugger over the course of the next week. Ask them to feed it, and watch. Even if your tank is looking healthy, mandarins can deplete a pod population in record time. Do you have a fuge? If not you will need one.
It is a good idea to try and get a mandarin that is taking supplemental feeding before you even get it home, so it eliminates some of the worry. The little guy still may not make it.
My little guy wouldnt eat anything but pods even though the LFs said he was eating live brine.. he wasnt really interested. Now he is eating bloodworms.. which is under debate about its nutritional content, but Im trying to coax him into eating other things... and Im building a fuge. :thinking:
People are going to tell you mixed things, but if you are going to take the time and the effort to make sure he gets the care he needs, and take the time to target feed him when the pods run out (like I was this AM.. with a hand cramp.. while trying to squeeze individual worms out for him to slurp up- and late for work
) then sure, go for it. They are awesome little fish. :cheer: Mines getting fatter, and taking 'some' other food, its a long haul though.
Check this out too


Thank you very much...very informative. I think I am going to hold off for the summer......long story but my job keeps me away most of the day in the summer......downside of being an iceman i guess......but I am leaving that job after the summer so I can get back to a normal life..........I am not sure why all of this is relevant but my fingers started and my mind couldn't stop them...............bottom line, I am going to hold off on the mandarin for a while!!!! Thanks again!


lol, I read your post and couldn't figure out what you were talking about.....then I re read my post.....not sure how I hit the 7 when I was aiming for 4........I have b/t 45 and 55 lbs. It does fill the tank quite nicely though!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dragracer
lol, I read your post and couldn't figure out what you were talking about.....then I re read my post.....not sure how I hit the 7 when I was aiming for 4........I have b/t 45 and 55 lbs. It does fill the tank quite nicely though!!
ok I was trying to correct you without sounding rude lol
I kinda figured that wassnt possible. But yea the mandarin will starve in that tank sorry but its probably not a good idea.


Thats why I came to you guys first. One we get out of our apartment I am going to set my 75 back up with a load more LR......then I will thing about it. Thanks ya'll


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bacchus_FL
Anybody ever heard of the spotted mandarin eating flatworms?