The other day I was looking in the tank at 2:30AM. I thought my mandarin was dead because he was lying there without moving at all. My cleaner shrimp then began to clean not pick the mandarin and then I began to literally pound the glass to stop it. I then reached in the tank and shooed the cleaner. I moved the mandarin to the other side of the tank in front and left him their. I then stared at him till 3:30AM waiting for him to "come back" because I could see his eyes moving and looking at me. I was wondering what could possibly have killed him. He was very very fat so I doubt he starved because my tank is 8 months old. I then thought it was his tank mates(midas and clown) because they seemed to be aggressive the first few days. I then thought even though this fish is beautiful I should flush it to make sure it does not pollute the tank and I would not be able to stand a shrimp ripping it to pieces. So I thought I should finally give in because I had been there an hour even though I could see its eyes still slightly moving. So down the sewer it went. After hating the other fish I read today that mandarins can appear to be dead at night to fool predators and nothing will want to eat them because of their terrible flavored smile coat. I am starting to think this is the case because I read this on five other forums. I feel like a murderer. Can this really happen? This is obviously my favorite fish in the tank.
{Time in tank: 1 week}