Mandarins and micro stars


Active Member
No, mine doesn't even glance at the little stars. I don't think they are quite micro enough.
Do you have a large population of them? (stars)


Not sure how many I have, its hard to tell with all the chaeto and other stuff growing in the fuge. I do have hoards of pods tho. To make sure the mandarin has enough to eat I switch bunches of chaeto back and forth between the main tank and the fuge every couple weeks.
Im not really worried about the mandarin getting enough to eat, lots of pods available, I was just curious about the stars.


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It sounds like you have a good pop. of natural food supply (the pods) for the mandarinfish.
I don't personally know of a fish that eats the stars.
If the star population is great, it may indicate an overabundance of algae. You can reduce the lighting cycle.
I have often wondered, with the eye design of the mandarinfish, just how much light they are used to, as a rule. Not much, would be my guess.
What lighting cycle do you use on the fuge?


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
No, mine doesn't even glance at the little stars. I don't think they are quite micro enough.
Do you have a large population of them? (stars)
I have some stars in my tank that smaller then the 'pods. It's quite comical seeing the tiny legs wiggling in my Mandrines mouth.


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
What lighting cycle do you use on the fuge?

Maybe about 50w, its hard to tell since the bulbs are so old they cant be read anymore. I keep it on 24/7, and I also keep my main tank on 24/7 as well because of a glitch in my lighting fixture that makes it take 30 minutes to get it to turn on again if it goes off.