Manderan ?s


Alright guys I know this subject has been addressed oh too many times but I've read too many varied opinions to find an actual answer. I currently have a 55 with 80 pounds of rock and various fish includeing a diamond head sleeper goby that I've recently discovered has been distroying my sand bed so he will be going to a friends tank who wants him leading me to my question. My goby has probably decimated my sand bed and I was going to order a detrivore pack to regenerate some but could I add a manderan some where a couple months down the line? I know this is a debated topic but lets be tame for once... :D :rolleyes:


I know it is a long time to wait, but I would say to wait six months to a year to be safe.
It would also help to have a refugium incorporated and teaming with 'pods' of all kinds.


so wait 6 months for the pod fairy to come back? I remember last july when the fairy came for the first time... :D


Active Member
You can order a POD farm, which comes with mateable pods.
You could set that up in a smaller tank for now and rotate your LR in and out of it...
Just a thought...
I do this with my 15 Nano and my mandarin in that is fine, 6 months+ so far...(knocks on wood)