how long has the tank been set up? Do you have a sump?
Personnally I say no. With what you have. There may not, most likely not,be enough food for them. Most of the fish you have in there are graizers. They go around the rock and nibble all day. And in the nibbleing they will eat alot of the copods that the mandarin will need to survive. For the most part. Mandarins will only eat one thing. copods. and they eat alot of them. Their best chance of survival is to be in a very established tank(over a year old). with lots and lots of live rock. and tons of copods. If that isn't the situation that you can offer them. it is best to stay away from them. Otherwise they will suffer a very slow starvation death. The idea situation for a mandarin is a 120 plus gallon tank with at least 150pound of live rock. The tank should be running for at least a year. With no hermits or crabs or other copod eating fish.