Mandrin and ......


What would be a good (hearty , nice , ect.) fish to go with my mandrin dragonete. Its a twenty gallon long with corals and live rock.
water quality is not an issue as my water is near perfect.


Whoah!!! How much live rock you have??? What have you seen your mandarin eat??? That tank is small for one I believe or should have no other fish with it. Did you fully research them on this bb? Lot of info about them.


Glad you got it eating brine because most won't eat it. If you add something else then make sure it isn't a competitor for food with the mandarin.


I had a clownfish in with mine when I had my 20gal and they did fine together. I am sure you can add gobby's or firefish or blenny's. You might be able to add 2 bangii cardinals. I wouldn't add more than 1 or 2 fish depending on the size. And, without a doubt, keep a close eye on your water and make sure he is eating. you will need to observe them eating to be sure. They don't have a very long life in captivity. I wish you luck though, they are gorgeous.


Active Member
I would go with a pair of firefish (purples If you can find them). They will do well with a Mandarin. Make sure they have some rocks or a barnacle to live in as they are shy and need a place to go to when startled.