mangled clown



Hello everyone! I have to say this is a great hobby, addicting too. Anyway I added 2 clowns last night after completing cycle and woke up this morning to emerald crab and peppermint shrimp consuming the little guy. Are those crabs aggresive toward fish normally? Remaining clown is OK.
Some info on what I got thus far.
FOWLR, 30g, 30 lbs LR, 30lbs LS, 2 powerhead 1 breaking surface, HOB filter 150 I think? Tank cycle for 1 month. Current levels Am 0, PH 8.0, Nit 0, Nat 0, Salinity 35, water temp 79. I hope I am on the right track here. Any input would be great...


Active Member
How did you acclimate the fish? Sounds like he died through the night and they just were doing their job cleaning up.


Active Member

Originally posted by trainfever
How did you acclimate the fish? Sounds like he died through the night and they just were doing their job cleaning up.

I agree with train. I doubt your crabs did him in.. it was probably the stress of moving... Hope you have better luck next time.


Thanks for replies.
I had bag float on top for 30 minutes then added tank water to bag over next 30 minutes slowly. Netted fish out. Dumped bag. 50% so far, better than loosing both.