what is the best method for growing mangroves? is it ok for it to be completly submurged under water or do the leaves have to out of the water? do the roots need burying in the sand or can i just wedge it between some LR?
The leaves and most of the stem should be out of the water and the plant should be sprayed with fresh water daily for best growth. I haven't noticed a growth difference between rooted in sand, rock or just hanging in the water other than the shape of the roots.
i float my red mangroves with a piece of styrofoam . just poke a hole in it large enough for the mangrove stalk to stay secure and free float on the surface with roots down.
works 4 me 4 now anyway.
and yes
spray the leave with fresh water to get the salt off regulary.
agreed with all above answers, do not submerge most of the stalk and leaves. i have a lfs that thinks they grow completley underwater then end up looking horrible and i swoop in for the discount before they get really bad off
would a kole's tang eat the leaves?
the upper leaves are above water while the lower pair of leaves are under, it was the closest i could get it out of water without it touching the light.
i know that you shouldnt let the leaves when they die off, ever fall into the water, all the nutrients that it pulls out of the water are in the leaves which in turn break back down into the tank.