Manofwar fish???


Isn't "man of war" slang for a jelly fish? Jerllies need circular tanks to survive and also covered and protected powerheads.

le titou

New Member
no, not the jelly, thank god if a LFS had one i would flip(those things are huge) They have the fish that lives in them. Its small silver and metalic blue-ish. I'll try and find a pic


Active Member
yea, theres a man of war jellyfish, and an actual fish. im not sure if the fish needs special care or anything though.


Oh wow I am so relieved! I saw the title and figured somebody was considering putting a Man O' War Jelly in a home aquarium! We would've have started a whole new Blue Ring Octo thread... just this time with Jellys...


Active Member
audubon field guide says they get to 8", so its too big for a 55 gallon.
there an openwater drift fish that lives within the tentacles of the portugese man of war. they cannot be stung by the jellyfish either.
id say steer clear of him, there a drift fish so they're not used to confined spaces.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Le titou
i also have a 180, too big for that too???
imo, yes.