Mantis eyesight


I was wondering do Mantis shrimp have 360 degree eyesight, as i know which rock he hangs out in, and i want to lure him out and with food and ethier

him or grab him with my sharp tweezers.
After that alive or dead he is going to become food for my overgrown starts and stripe.


You could try setting a trap! I have used one as follows. Cut the top off a small plastic pop bottle, put some food inside, invert the end you cut off and insert into the open end of pop bottle. Sometimes you have to put something heavy, like a rock, inside the pop bottle as well to keep it from floating around.
Oh, too keep the bottle top inside the bottle I just poked a couple little holes in the side of the bottle, through the inserted bottle top and then I threaded it together with some fishing line. I am sure there are other ways.


Instead of killing it you could try and give it to a good home
. Lots of people look for them as pets.


well he has costed me so much money so far that i personally would like to see him go down. here is the list of items he killed
bubble coral
3 clowns
2 scooter blennies
4 fire shrimp


If you knew he was killing them why did you keep adding fish instead of taking him out. Killing him because of your ignorance is not right give him a good home


NO thats totally wrong, things were just dying and for no reason at all, this happened over a 2 month period. Then i saw him just 3 days ago trying to kill one of my scallops.
trust me it is not the point of giving him a home it the problems he has cause and trouble he is putting me threw to catch him. i have tried to trap him and with no luck, so i believe he is going to get injured any way i can catch him even by a freshwater dip. So instead of letting him go to waste and die i am going to put him in my aggressive tank, if he lasts then he does if not its just nature.


Originally Posted by rtspeed
NO thats totally wrong, things were just dying and for no reason at all, this happened over a 2 month period. Then i saw him just 3 days ago trying to kill one of my scallops.
trust me it is not the point of giving him a home it the problems he has cause and trouble he is putting me threw to catch him. i have tried to trap him and with no luck, so i believe he is going to get injured any way i can catch him even by a freshwater dip. So instead of letting him go to waste and die i am going to put him in my aggressive tank, if he lasts then he does if not its just nature.
So, the fact that you never saw him justifies your wrath against a critter that was doing what they do? Think about it. It isn't as though the mantis was purposely trying to offend you or just kill for the fun of it. That is what they do. They are known for it. By the same token, your aggressive tank will do what they do with the mantis. If you watch the mantis they are very cool! If you know what rock he is in then just pull out the rock and place it into the aggressive tank, if that is what you are set on doing. I would put the rock in a ten gallon and watch the guy personally. I think that you will love him if you just watch how he acts and lives. Give him a chance.


So what happened? I hope you didn't kill him, geez...


personally i would capture "in safe way for my self" make sure i dint have more then 1 put it inside a breeder trap put it for sale if i get no respons ill take it the lfs if they dont want it.... well my wife likes sushi


Active Member
Pull him out and stomp on him......
Hahahaha I can just hear the collective gasps of all the readers.
I do agree with the other posters. It's really not the little dudes fault he is in your tank. Vengence only begets Karma. Besides there are plenty of folks that really do search for them as pets that would be happy to house him.
Show mercy on the little dude if you can


lmao your gonna start the animal rights protesters with that lol.
<- i herd this was you when you found ur mantis lol


nope he is still around and kicking, i have had fun trying to catch him seeing that its like a cat and mouse game. He will be gone soon as i put the rock in my aggresive tank with my triggers and lions< but he has been in there for a week and still kicking
Here is a funny story about him, i was working in the tank and the cleaner shrimp was on my arm like he always is=, all of a sudden i felt a pinch and looked and the cleaner shrimp was gone i figure when i flinched he left, so after i am done i look into the tank and there is the mantis with the cleaner bent in half pulled into his home. I go to look at my arm and what i'm bleeding, yep the mantis picked him off my arm in in the process split my skin open, not much but it was kinda deep,so after that day i have a new found love for the little guy.
If he does live till i setup my 300 then i will make him his own home in a nano.


you did clean the cut??
if not please please do it.
how deep did it cut as ive seen one rip through a crab from the top with ease.
ill be honest if that had happend to one of my crittes in my tank i would of gone at him with a shot gun.
you seem very chilled about it ^^


well its about maybe 5/8 of a inch long and maybe a 1/4 inch deep. yeah i put iodine in it, man did that feel good. but by the time i realized it happen i couldn't be mad anymore, as he really didn't mean to do it.