Mantis in GSP and worm id?


New Member
Hi this is my first post, I've been reading your board for a couple of months while setting up my first tank. I have finally snagged my first problem. I'm pretty sure that I've got a mantis shrimp in my GSP cover rock. I've heard the clicking and have seen the remnants of a few hermit craps on the sand bed. I have since taken the GSP rock out of my display, and have tried to squirting di water into wall the holes that I can find, and placed the rock into a bucket with a trap made from the 2 liter soda bottle. So far neither have work. Any suggestions on how to get him out without killing the GSP?
Also I have noticed a couple of centipede like worms that have a pink /orangeis color for the 1st 1/3 of their body and black for the last 2/3. I was wondering if anyone new what these were and if they need to be removed?
Thanks in advance

bang guy

I'm not yet convinced you have a Mantis although it's still very likely. I think you have a Pistol Shrimp and the Hermit Crab remnants are just molts. Did you see any cracked or otherwise damaged shells by the rock?
The Worm is a common Bristle Worm and is normally a beneficial detrivore.


welcome! and i agree with bang guy. i have a pistol shrimp/had a pistol shrimp (i cant find him anymore) and he makes this clicking sound just like a mantis (hence the name pistol shrimp). keep the rock in a seperate tank if possible and see if you can find him. maybe he will peak out.


New Member
I was curious about it being a pistol shrimp also, because i have heard a lot of clicking when ever my large emerald crab gets close to the rock. So I was debating if it might just be a pistol shrimp warning the emerald crab to stay away. However I have also heard the clicking when there wasn't anything on the rock. The clicking is rather loud since I can hear it over the tv in the same room sometimes.
For the hermit remains, no I haven't seen an damaged shells, but I haven't looked real hard. The remains consisted of just the legs and looked like some meat stuff connected to them. I'll look when i get home tonight.


Active Member
Most of my molts (of hermits) look as you described. If someone was after a meal you would see pieces, not a whole "body", IMO. I did a search a long time ago and found a thread about the difference in the clicking sound between pistols and mantis. Maybe someone will chime in and clarify. I am not certain, but (I think) one clicks 3 or more times at one time where the other doesn't. Bump for others.


like bang said, are there any broken shells around this rock? take a piece of squid on teezers and try to see if it comes out after it... if so you can get a better idea and possibly an id....