Mantis in Refugium?


Can I put a mantis shrimp in my low flow refugium? I have 2" ls, some lr, and I will have lots of caulerpas and macroalgaes. The only concern I have is that I would like to keep the lights on 24/7 to keep the algaes from going sexual. Will the neverending light harm the mantis? Thanks.
I do not think it would harm the shrimp. But I would build a cave out of a couple more pieces of LR or maybe some base rock so he can feel secure and have a good hiding hole. Mine have a cave built out of lace rock and some base rock he is always right at the entrance, ready to fight or flee. Though he seems more eager to fisht than flee :p


how often do you plan on sticking your hands in the ref and are you willing to get nailed if you get too close to the mantis? :rolleyes:
I have done a lot of research on these guys as I am getting one of them, I would not do it. they don't call them thumb splitters for nothing.


The one I'm looking at is the smasher, and my main concern is him smashing the glass, which would result in a huge flood. My refugium is a 15 tall, so I'm confident any harvesting of caulerpas will have my hands only halfway in the tank, easily out of harms way.


Active Member
i dont know about the light, but the whole thing with the glass is over done. i spoke to dr. caldwell and the guy who runs, while the mantis can break the glass he can also break the acrylic. and this only happens when they get big. they wont just break it for no reason, only if they get annoyed or something. the one thing that you do have to watch out for is dont put a glass thermometer in the tank because it will float around and attract their attention and also if you throw a heater in they will attack it if the orange light comes on. try to get a stainless steel heater where the control is on the wire outside of the tank, i know i cant post the link but there are some doctors named foster and smith that sell a good one like that.
I have mine in a all-glass 20 long and he does fine. I have a feeling that when they break an aqurioum, it is do to them defending them selves not just out of spite. Mine is content on staying in his cave and exploring a little after the lights go out.