Mantis Shrimp - Caught!!


Well, I was looking at my tank tonight and caught a glance of a pair of eyes looking back at me - a mantis! I bought a whole 3 lbs of rock at my LFS a few weeks ago to fill in some spots in my tank and so far it brought with it aptasia and now a Mantis. I managed to catch the rascal though. Thought y'all might like to see a picture. I don't know what kind of Mantis he is. I hate to kill him. I wonder if the LFS will take him? Maybe I should not worry about killing him, I am not sure that he is not responsible for a few mortalities in my tank already.


You could just flush him or you could set up a small 5 gallon species tank for him.


Yeah, I am thinking about that. Not sure where to keep it though.
This little guy is small; no more than an inch long. I have been losing scarlet reef hermits and snails and blaming blue legs. This guy may be the true murderer. On Christmas morning I work to find my newest fish dead -- a Royal Gramma that I got from and added 2 weeks earlier. The Gramma seemed healthy the night before. I have no prior experience with Mantis, but I am guessing that it is very plausable that the Mantis killed the Gramma. What do you think? Is that reasonable?


Active Member
Your LFS may take him, but it may be a little small yet to re-sell. You'll find a lot of people around here willing to take him off your hands.

tru conch

Active Member
glad you were able to catch him before he got too large
im sure that someone will be able to take him off your hands for a species only tank.

mr. tuna

Active Member
by the way is that is a peacock mantis shrimp and it was a little bigger.. it can cut your finger right open. Bad enough for stiches.
:yes: good you caught it!!


He was in a rock. I pulled out the rock and flushed him out with a turkey baster and aquarium water.
Sorry I did not answer sooner. I just saw your post. Hopefully, you have already caught the murderer!


New Member
Mantis shrimp are to cool, unless they go on a Murderus rampage and kill your fish then there not,when i get more experiance under my belt i think im gonna try and get one of those shrimp, but as far as i've read people will pay top dollar for those aggressive buggers