MANTIS SHRIMP-How do I catch em??


Ok - I'm convinced I have an unwanted house guest. Now has anyone got an easy way to catch the little SOB???
I've tried sitting in the dark for 2-3 hours and I never see anything. I'm using a flashlight with a red film covering to see by and the rest of the house is pitch black dark. I put some mysis shrimp in a water bottle and sank it in the aquarium. Obviously hoping he'd drop in for a snack and I could snatch the bottle out.
Since my last post about a week ago - I've lost 2 more fish and 7 turbo snails and 9 hermits. So far this little SOB has cost me $100 in livestock. If nothing else works - I guess I'll grow some pretty live rock for a few months until he starves to death.


Active Member
Man, that really stinks. I haven't had to deal with getting rid of them before (oh so thankfully) but you sparked a question. I wonder how long a mantis can live before it starves? I'd bet a very long time. Plus, it wouldn't suprise me if they wouldn't starve in an "empty" tank, they can probably find enough stray food and pods to stay alive for a long, long time.


I wouldn't wait it out. Mantis shrimp are very hardy and could live off of the live rock for a long time. Go to your lfs most sell traps for things like that. And in the future if you have a pest fish it can come in handy again. So it's not just a one time buy. If you do catch it and you dont want it let me know, I will set up a species tank for it and give it a nice home.:cool: As far as your own trap all I can think of is put some food in a jar or bottle and put it directly in front of the whole that it lives in.


Super - I'm having a problem with the decision of what to do with the little rascal. Right now as I count my loses the garbage disposal looks real tempting. Second choice was the big flush.
But if I catch him - I'll let you know. Depends whether my tang and percula survive his ouster from the tank.
If things aren't bad enough now I have ammonia at almost .25
I can't even imagine what else could go bad here............


Your ammonia is too high, you need to fix that. Please don't kill it. I will pay for shipping. That is if you would give it away, I can't really afford to actually buy it.


Superman - I read a post recently that suggested setting up a large bucket of saline water at 1.035 or higher and then pick the rock(s) you think the mantis is located in. Leave that in there for a few hours. The excessive salinity will chase him out and likely do him in. Be aware that this will likely kill off some of the life on the live rock. You should handle the rock with care as I understand that the mantis can do some bodily damage to you personally if given the opportunity. I recently attempted this. I have not found the "appropriate" rock but I have no choice other than to keep trying to rid of him. While this is somewhat of an extreme approach, I understand it to be the most successful. Also, are you sure it is a mantis and not a pistol shrimp since you have not actually seen him? It could be a "hairy crab" which is considered rather aggressive. Do a search on "I have crabs" and you'll see other helpful information on the mantis and ridding of it. Good luck!


I wasnt the one trying to get rid of it, jbfastlane was. I was the one who wanted it. And if you have one, please don't kill it. I would be more than happy to give it a good home.


Superman - if you want it that bad - it's yours. Personally I'd rather stomp about $100 bucks out of his little a$$, but I guess I can live and let live as they say.
Sduda - I am going off the advise of many others here who have said Mantis. All I can say is fish disappear. Gone without a trace.
I've spent hours in front of the tank staring thru red lights to see anything - so no I can't even identify the monster yet.
I might try the high salinity thing - unless someone has any reasons not to. Thanks again to everyone for the info.