Mantis Shrimp out but now what


I finaly figured out that the Mantis shrimp in my tank was living in a large piece of LR. I took the LR piec out (about 20 lbs.) and I tryed everything to get the mantis out of the rock but nothing has worked. I am assuming he is deep in the rock.
How can I get him out?
If I can't get him to come out should I just leave the LR out of the tank for a few days to make sure he dies and then put it back in?
Any help would be great!


Find his hidey hole and use a turkey baster to squirt some club soda on the son-of-a-gun he'll come out before you can say "damn that was fast"
Good Luck,


Active Member
I like Dave's idea, but be careful...little punk might just eat your hanger...heh heh...


OK, didn't have soda water so I used three bottels of Tonic water. I figured it was the bubbles that would get him. Nothing happened.
This is a big piece of LR with thousands of holes so I can't tell where he is anymore.
He could be dead.
He might not mind the tonic water.
Or god forbid he is still in my main tank and I am wateing my time. (I am almost positive he is in the rock.)
Any other suggestions?


Active Member
He isn't dead...if it's a mantis, he's peeking out, laughing at you...tough little punk probably held it's breath while you gave it a bath...


Tried the hanger, to many holes to get to.
If I leave my LR out side for a few days it will die along with the shrimp. Then can I put the LR back in the tank so it will eventualy become live again?

old hermit

i just removed ont the other day with some fresh water. i just shot some fw in all the holes in the rock then when i did get him he came out quick.


Active Member
I wouldn't go to that extreme...why kill everything, just for the mantis? You probably have life in that rock you haven't even seen yet...
Just be patient...keep trying to catch it. You'll get it eventually.
Try a mantis trap...or maybe a plastic coke bottle with a raw shrimp in it...ask around for more ideas...a lot of people have successfully caught mantis shrimp.
Don't kill your rock...


I will try Fresh water. I have been trying to catch it for weeks with a trap, coke bottle etc. with no luck. Now that I have it out I have to keep it out.


Active Member
You have all ready questioned whether it is even in the rock right now...what if you do this, and then see the little bugger winking at you from inside the tank!?!?!


I am a little worried that it isn't in the rock now. I dumped salt, tonic water, fresh water in the rock and it hasn't come out. Wouldn't it have come out by now?
The LR has been out of water for two hours now. Is it too late to put it back in? Should I risk it?