Mantis shrimp problem


Now I am nervous. I have a 29 gal and I hear clicking alot at night. I wasnt sure if it was a crab I had that lives in the rock or what. I know there is a decent size crab but he never comes all the way out of the rock so I never get to see him. I havent had anything come up missing or dead. It would have killed something by now I would think. I have had the tank up and running for about 9 months now. Do I have anything to worry about?


Active Member
Sounds like you have a pistol shrimp. Is it a single or multiple click. My mantis does 1 click while the pistol does several in a row. With nothing missing, you are fine. ME I have hundreads of hermit shells some cracked and many shrimp gone for no reason.


My pistol shrimp doesn't necessarily do multiple clicks. It may do only one sometimes. if nothing has disappeared, good chance it is just a pistol shrimp.
Also, some fish will make clicking sounds too. I believe clown fish will do it on occasion, not that I have heard it.


Active Member
Went fishing again last night. I cought 1 hermit crab but his shell was to large to fit in the back to get the prize. I will try again tonight.
I have never heard of clowns making a clicking noise. News to me. :thinking:


I haven't heard it myself, but I recall reading somewhere that clowns will click, I believe when defending territory. I don't remember where I read that. Anyone else heard of this or am I just full of it?


Active Member
Hey Firedog, another mystery of life.
I am sure some the experts will know something.
Still no luck last night either. I set the plate and he does not show up for dinner. The hermits show up, get trapped and dine. I may have to pull all my hermits. Thoughts? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Hey Firedog, another mystery of life.
I am sure some the experts will know something.
Still no luck last night either. I set the plate and he does not show up for dinner. The hermits show up, get trapped and dine. I may have to pull all my hermits. Thoughts? :thinking:
If you have a sump I'd put the hermits in that for a few nights.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
If you have a sump I'd put the hermits in that for a few nights.
I was afraid you were going to say that. :thinking: I have a 100 or so. They are going to be confused.


Active Member
It has been 2 weeks now and I have not heard any noise from my tank. nada, zip, zilch, nothing.
I always hear something....
Does this mean:
A) he has died

B) he is full of food.

C) he is taking a break and does not need to make noise

D) sleeping

E) playing a game with me

I am not sure how these guys operate....
