Mantis Shrimp


New Member
I have been researching Mantis shrimp and I want one sooo bad! SWF never seems to have them in stock. I know that alot of people think of them as pest but I am building a lexan acrylic tank for it out of 5/8". I hear they like to break tanks I dont want to have a friend over and he tounts it with his finger and it crack my tank. any ways I want one so if some one gets one by mistake or tell me where to post to get one that would be cool.


I think it was in this forum someone said that their mantis killed theri jawfish. This would have to be pretty much the only thing in the tank unless u have something fast that doesnt sleep on the sand bed.
SWF realy has no shrimp in right now. Put it on yur wish list. They will probly be getting some stuff in after the holidays.


New Member
I have heard of people keeping them with lionfish I thought that I would try it. There will be plenty of rock and a deep sand bead. they will have there own tank made out of lexan.


Mantis can be put into two groups. The spearers and the smashers. The spearers are the ones that hunt for fish. I read one story about two spearers killing 6 clown triggers in one night:scared: The spaerers are the ones known as thumb splitters. When doing maintnence do not go near it or that thing will cut your thumb right down to the bone. The smashers are even more agressive and are the ones known to well, smash tanks! They are always on the hunt for crustations so you cant have a cleanup crew w/one of them! Conclution, all mantis shrimp are best left in a species tank or else!



Originally posted by fishy411
SWF realy has no shrimp in right now. Put it on yur wish list. They will probly be getting some stuff in after the holidays.

Did you notice this site has nothing for sale!:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

kart racer

For the last few years since I found this site they always sell out before the holidays and then start again after the new year. I would guess so they dont have to worry about any livestock so that they can enjoy a vacation.


Yer making a tank out of lexan? As in the "plexiglass" lexan? I dunno, but some part of me tells me that that would be a bad idea. And no lionfish. Poor thing would be a goner with a mantis running around.


get a smasher, you need at least 18-20 inches of muddy loose substrate for a spearer, and those clown triggers had to have been tiny, a large clown trigger would be a very bad day for a mantis shrimp. Id recommend a peacock as they are the hardiest . however if they are large i would watch it as trying to touch it will get you a shot equivelant to a bullet in velocity. however in all my experience i have yet to see one destroy anything but small travel enclosures. they will however excavate and make holes in your rock and rearrange the tank to their liking pretty readily.